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Welcome to the Heartfulness Institute of Leadership

The Home Of Future-Ready Leaders

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.

— William Arthur Ward

Change is not something new. Change has been here forever, for billions of years. What's new is that the rate at which change occurs is accelerating, and it is getting faster and faster. So it depends on your strength, or lack of strength. If you are strong, change will make you stronger.

— Dr. Ichak Adizes

It is in the stillness of the mind that we perceive the heart with clarity.

— Kamlesh D. Patel (Daaji)

What makes you a successful manager, executive, parent, or spouse is not what you have, what you do, or even what you think. It is what you are, what you stand for, and what drives your decisions and behavior.

— Dr. Ichak Adizes

Flexibility is humility.

— Kamlesh D. Patel (Daaji)

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Empower Yourself to Be Future-Ready

In a world that’s constantly evolving, individuals, communities and businesses must adapt to keep pace and stay resilient. This adaptation demands diverse approaches, innovative solutions and a growth mindset.

The Heartfulness Institute of Leadership (HIL) provides time-tested, holistic solutions to the challenges faced by individuals, organisations and communities. Our unique leadership program is crafted to shape future-ready leaders who can skillfully navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape with wisdom, integrity and compassion.

Our Purpose

Nurturing Humane Leaders for a Better Tomorrow

At HIL, we are on a mission to transform traditional leadership into Humane Leadership—a balanced approach that integrates the heart and mind.

Leadership with a Heart

We offer practical, proven principles, frameworks and techniques that expand leadership consciousness and integrate personal and organisational development. We have specific programs tailored for organisations and individuals.

Our Transformative Learning Approach

At the Heartfulness Institute of Leadership (HIL), our learning approach goes beyond traditional methods, fostering deep, transformative growth in leaders. We focus on creating an engaging and practical learning environment that promotes critical thinking, collaboration and real-world application.


Proven Frameworks Infused with Timeless Wisdom

World-class methodologies, techniques and concepts, including Adizes, Clare Grave's Theory of Human Development, combined with the Heartfulness approach enhances the awakening of the Conscious Leader inside You!

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Meet our Faculty

Meet our esteemed faculty members, who, with their guidance and shared experience, can propel you forward on the path of exponential growth.

See All Members

Atul Sharma

Heartful Adizes Trainer

Greg Mathers

Managing Director of Adizes Latvia.

Harpreet Bhan

Heartful Adizes Trainer and MD Adizes India

Jas Kamal Jit Singh

Heartful Adizes Trainer

What People Say

I came with a notion that tools and concepts that are used in corporate world are not fit for inflexible, multi- layered government organisations. However, after attending Adizes programs, I have changed my mind. A good experience and great insights.

Dhiraj Sareen

Captain, Naval War College , Goa

Profound in its simplicity. The Adizes methodology has made me a better manager.

Charles R. Schwab

Chairman, Charles Schwab & Co

One of the most insightful, experienced and compelling educators of our time.

Stephen Covey

Author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Adizes is the best kept secret in America. Discover him! The sooner you do, the better off you’ll be.

Ken Blanchard

Author of The One-Minute Manager

Heartfulness and Adizes a combo. The best co-designed course I have seen with heart and mind in action.

Anand Pavaskar

These core Adizes concepts & tools will affect Implementation, a major bugbear for CEOs. Now we have practical tools for creating and maintaining a culture of “Mutual Trust & Respect”. Very operational, translating philosophy into reality.

Chaitanya Shroff

CEO, Excel Crop Care

What People Say
13-110 Kanha Shanti Vanam, Kanha Village, Nandhigama Mandal, Ranga Reddy Dist, Telangana 509325
Toll Free - 1800 103 7726

About HIL

Heartfulness Institute of Leadership brings together world-known principles, frameworks and approaches with the purpose of sharing wisdom gained from various life experiences to enhance personal and organisational growth

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